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This Rapé was made with natural Sabia Mapacho, ashes of the Sapota tree and a vine called "heart of the boa constrictor" because of its heart shaped leaves. The vine is also known as "Vein of the Pajé" (Pajé=medicine man). In the words of the maker: 

“This is a very reserved and powerful blend. For that reason those who use this medicine must do so with clarity and intention, in order to achieve the spiritual alchemy in a good dimension. In their tradition the medicine is known to keep at bay the negative and attract the positive. It is used to protect against jealousy and spiritual persecution. Most of the medicines used in Rapé are also used to make herbal baths and medicinal teas. This particular one is used to attract good things, love, and success hunting and in general to bring luck and prosperity? However it is advised to firm and focus the mind on the good intentions that one wants to achieve and not call what one doesn't want.”

Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé

SKU: 1028
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