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Forms of

Tobacco Work

As a tobacco healer I work in four primary modalities:

1 / Traditional Plant Dietas

A traditional dieta is an intensive process through which the dieter receives healing from and develops a relationship with a healing plant over the course of a three- or seven-day program. Each day during the dieta I prepare and deliver a plant medicine preparation to the dieter and charge the preparation with prayer and song to carry out a healing program.


For more on plant dietas, see About Plant Dietas

2 / Tobacco Ceremonies

In a tobacco ceremony, I and the participants consume a tobacco tea. Prior to drinking the tea, I charge the tobacco with a healing prayer and song that directs the tobacco to run a healing program in the patient’s body, mind, and spirit.

3 / Soplas

Soplar, in Spanish, means to blow. In sopla work, I transmit the healing power of tobacco by blowing tobacco smoke charged with specific prayers, song, and intention, in a prescribed and comprehensive way that was taught to me by my teacher. Sopla work can be done in person or remotely.

4 / Rapé Ceremonies

Rapé is a tobacco snuff that is blown into the nostrils. For many Amazonian tribes, rapé is their principal form of medicine. In a rapé ceremony, each participant will be administered rape with the use of a tool called a tepi (essentially a blowpipe). Rapé can detoxify the body, mind, and energetic field as well as be used with specific intentions.


To purchase rapé, please visit the online store.


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